Uad luna
Uad luna

uad luna

uad luna

I sure do hope UAD doesn’t do something stupid like Waves with the Waves WUP policy to make me so mad that I will never give them another dime! I bought the Wave’s plugins from Sweetwater and I can’t seem to take those guys seriously anymore either.

uad luna

#Uad luna mac#

Glad you posted - yeah I miss read that and completely unaware of Mac and hoping to stay that way. But if you’re serious, there is a difference between UA and AU. It’s hard to tell if you’re making a joke or not. PT users might feel different as the key commands used in Luna are essentially the same as in PT. I do like the idea of having the UAD console integrated into the program as the back and forth can get a bit tiresome but considering the enormous tradeoff between that and the feature-rich environment within Cubase, I can’t see switching to Luna anytime soon. That’s exactly how I use my Apollo with Cubase - I gave Luna a shot for about a week and was pretty disappointed by the hype especially the nonsense about it not being a DAW - that tagline got old fast at this year’s NAMM show. (FWIW, I’ve also taken to using Superior Drummer 3’s mixer so as to have a separate drum mixer for the 20+ drum mics, mixed down to a small handful of channels into the Cubase mixer) I sometimes have to bop over to Console to tweak the monitor mix for tracking, but for me, anyway, having UAD Console as the monitor mix and tracking preamps (via UAD Unison, e.g., Neve 1073), and Cubase for the playback mixer works great. I pretty much use Cubase like I used to use multi-track tape: I set up UAD Console to “monitor mix” all my inputs - synths, Kemper, mics, etc, and just record-enable (but NOT monitor enable) tracks in Cubase to record them. Anybody looked deeply at UAD Luna yet and have any kind of head-to-head comparison? I’m a heavy UAD user (I tried to quit, but just can’t but I don’t see moving to Luna, as I work solo, so I don’t have the same kind of “live” recording workflow needs, so I don’t have to switch back and forth between Cubase and UAD Console like I might in tracking a band, which is what Luna is aiming for.

Uad luna